农转公/公转农 System.Globalization.ChineseLunisolarCalendar 农历转公历/公历转农历

项目中有一个生日短信提醒功能,需要每年提醒。选农历, 每年提醒, 第二年的公历是不一样的,所以每一年的都需要自己计算。

设计的要求 ,他们说因为年纪大的人是只记得农历的。。。

正确的应该是1982-10-12 。由于 并没有详细说到关键的闰月计算, 所以起初很困惑,以为计算不准确。

检查全年的月份,发现有因为有闰月的情况,有润月则应该从该闰月起月份自动加一, 如1982年润四月,或则闰五月为6月,后面的月加一处理。


有了就 直接构造农历日期对象是就把农历的月+1 为9月:


            DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(textBox1.Text);	//格式:2000-1-1
            ChineseLunisolarCalendar cc = new ChineseLunisolarCalendar();

            if (date > cc.MaxSupportedDateTime || date < cc.MinSupportedDateTime)  
            int year = cc.GetYear(date);
            int month = cc.GetMonth(date);
            int dayOfMonth = cc.GetDayOfMonth(date);
            int leapMonth = cc.GetLeapMonth(year);
            bool isLeapMonth = cc.IsLeapMonth(year, month);
            bool isLeapYear = cc.IsLeapYear(year);

            if (isLeapMonth || isLeapYear && month >= leapMonth)
                month -= 1;

            textBox2.Text = string.Concat(year, "-", month, "-", dayOfMonth);

	    ChineseLunisolarCalendar cc = new ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
            DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(textBox2.Text);	//格式:2000-1-1
            int MonthsInYear = cc.GetMonthsInYear(date.Year);
            int LeapMonth = cc.GetLeapMonth(date.Year, 1);
            bool isLeapMonth = cc.IsLeapMonth(date.Year, date.Month);
            bool isLeapYear = cc.IsLeapYear(date.Year);

            if (isLeapMonth)
                date = cc.ToDateTime(date.Year, date.Month - 1, date.Day, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            else if(date.Month > LeapMonth)
                date = cc.ToDateTime(date.Year, date.Month + 1, date.Day, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                date = cc.ToDateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            textBox1.Text = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

这是一个WinForm做的的实例Demo: WindowsFormsApplication1

Windows update 更新错误 80240016


  1. 1

    方法一(推荐):开始菜单 ,在开始搜索框中  输入“疑难解答

    弹出疑难解答菜单 ,在系统和安全性一栏中  单击“使用Windows Update 解决问题”  单击下一步,系统会自动修复windows update的错误 (以下步骤等同方法二)

    windows update自动更新失败,如何快速修复
    windows update自动更新失败,如何快速修复
    windows update自动更新失败,如何快速修复
  2. 2


    开始菜单 ,单击“控制面板”



    在系统和安全性一栏中  单击“使用Windows Update 解决问题” 单击下一步,系统会自动修复windows update的错误

  3. 3

     特别补充步骤,控制面板 打开网络和Internet ,Internet选项,“连接”选项卡  单击局域网设置按钮,去掉“自动检测设置”前的√, 保证这三个勾没有选中

    这样可以大大提高windows update的成功率(尤其是装好MSDN原版系统后 ,首次更新时可修复代理)

    windows update自动更新失败,如何快速修复
    windows update自动更新失败,如何快速修复
  4. 4

     重新启动电脑,一般情况下windows update就恢复正常了

    windows update自动更新失败,如何快速修复



文章作者:Enjoy 转载请注明原文链接。

echo ip2long(‘’);


192*256*256*256+168*256*256+1*256+38 = 3 232 235 814


mysql存储这个值是字段需要用int UNSIGNED。不用UNSIGNED的话,128以上的IP段就存储不了了。


php存入时:$ip = ip2long($ip);
mysql取出时:SELECT INET_ATON(ip) FROM table …
php取出时,多一步:$ip = long2ip($ip);




在32位的机子上,echo ip2long(‘’);由于超过32位的最大数,导致输出负数-1062731482。

$ip_long = bindec(decbin(ip2long($ip)));

$ip_long = = sprintf(“%u”, ip2long($ip));



[表], [字段], [数据类型], [允许为空], [主键], [外键], [引用表], [说明描述]

SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT a.name AS 表, b.name AS 字段, c.name AS 数据类型, CASE WHEN b.isnullable = 0 THEN '-' WHEN b.isnullable = 1 THEN '是' END AS 允许为空,
CASE WHEN d .name IS NULL THEN '-' WHEN d .name IS NOT NULL THEN '是' END AS 主键, CASE WHEN e.parent_object_id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS 外键,
CASE WHEN e.parent_object_id IS NULL THEN '-' ELSE g.name END AS 引用表, CASE WHEN h.value IS NULL THEN '-' ELSE h.value END AS 说明描述,
i.text AS 默认值
FROM sys.sysobjects AS a INNER JOIN
sys.syscolumns AS b ON a.id = b.id INNER JOIN
sys.systypes AS c ON b.xtype = c.xtype LEFT OUTER JOIN
(SELECT so.id, sc.colid, sc.name
FROM sys.syscolumns AS sc INNER JOIN
sys.sysobjects AS so ON so.id = sc.id INNER JOIN
sys.sysindexkeys AS si ON so.id = si.id AND sc.colid = si.colid
WHERE (si.indid = 1)) AS d ON a.id = d.id AND b.colid = d.colid LEFT OUTER JOIN
sys.foreign_key_columns AS e ON a.id = e.parent_object_id AND b.colid = e.parent_column_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
sys.objects AS g ON e.referenced_object_id = g.object_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
sys.extended_properties AS h ON a.id = h.major_id AND b.colid = h.minor_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
sys.syscomments AS i ON b.cdefault = i.id
WHERE (a.type = 'U') AND (c.name <> 'sysname')
ORDER BY 表, 字段

还有一个查全库表字段的,参见另一篇 《通过(sys.sysobjects)对象表,查询全库表的基础信息Sql Server 查询全库表信息

Vesta 主机控制面板



轻形、 快速,资源占用少。

# 当前支持的操作系统:
# RHEL 5, RHEL 6
# CentOS 5, CentOS 6
# Debian 7
# Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 14.04


安装 Vesta 控制面板

1. Root用户登录 SSH
ssh root@your.server-name

2. 下载安装脚本
curl -O http://vestacp.com/pub/vst-install.sh

3. 运行脚本
sh vst-install.sh

卸载 Vesta 控制面板

1. 停止 vesta 服务
service vesta stop

2. 移除 vesta 软件包和软件资源库
yum remove vesta*
rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/vesta.repo

apt-get remove vesta*
rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vesta.list

3. 删除数据文件夹
rm -rf /usr/local/vesta

你也可以考虑删除管理员用户帐户和其 cron 作业。

shtml中的脚本 – SSI 服务器端包含 (Server Side Includes)




服务器端包含(Server Side Includes),通常简称为SSI,是HTML页面中的指令,在页面被提供时由服务器进行运算,以对现有HTML页面增加动态生成的内容,而无须通过CGI程序提供其整个页面,或者使用其他动态技术。


。将服务器信息添加到一个 HTML 文档。包括以下的形式:

<!--#command variablename="value"-->
Whether or not you can use SSI on your site depends on your provider. Ask your favourite support person if you can use SSI, what server software is used and if there are any special techniques, conditions or rules. For example, on my site I can only use SSI in files that have an .shtml extension instead of the normal .html one. You also have to ask what path to files to use.

Unfortunately, not all includes explained here work for all servers. For example, the #hide and #show includes are specific to WebStar. With Apache server software, you can achieve the same things by using #if and #endif.


Before starting to use server side includes, you need to configure a number of things. For starters, choose a format for date and time you like (the #echo command is explained later in this chapter).

<!–#config timefmt=”%A, %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S”–>
<!–#echo var=”date_gmt”–>

Below is a table of many of the options you can use. You can also include things like colons, commas and slashes as well as bits of text and HTML. You can mix the elements below at will.

Element Value Example
%a Abbreviated day of the week Sun
%A Day of the week Sunday
%b Abbreviated month name Jan
%B Month in full January
%d Date 1 (and not 01)
%H 24-hour clock hour 13
%I 12-hour clock hour 1
%j Decimal day of the year 360
%m Month number 11
%M Minutes 08
%p AM or PM AM
%S Seconds 09
%U Week of the year (also %W) 49
%w Day of the week number 05
%y Year of the century 95
%Y Year 1995
%Z Time zone EST

Here are some more examples of different formats:

<!–#config timefmt=”Week %U of %y”–>
<!–#echo var=”date_gmt”–>

<!–#config timefmt=”%d/%m/%y, day %j of the year”–>
<!–#echo var=”date_gmt”–>

<!–#config timefmt=”%I:%S %p”–>
<!–#echo var=”date_gmt”–>

The last format you have set will remain valid throughout the rest of the page. However, unless you want to use the default format (which usually is something like 98/07/12:16:45:34) you will have to set your favourite time format in every page that uses server side includes that have to do with time.


You can also specify the way file sizes are displayed.

<!–#config sizefmt=”bytes”–>
<!–#fsize file=”top.gif”–>
<!–#config sizefmt=”abbrev”–>
<!–#fsize file=”top.gif”–>

The #fsize include is explained later in this chapter. You can see that the “bytes” option gives the size in full in bytes, the “abbrev” option gives the size in kilobytes.


You can change the default error message to anything you want. Here is an example of changing the error message and then trying to include the non-existent file “nosuchfile.html”:

<!–#config errmsg=”Sorry, an error occurred. Please mail your complaints to webmaster@somewhere.net”–>

<!–#include file=”nosuchfile.html”–>

There is only one error message available. However, you can change the error message more than once in a single html file:

<!–#config errmsg=”Sorry, an error occurred including nosuchfile.html. Please mail your complaints to webmaster@somewhere.net”–>

<!–#include file=”nosuchfile.html”–>

<!–#config errmsg=”Sorry, an error occurred including nosuchfileagain.html. Please mail your complaints to webmaster@somewhere.net”–>

<!–#include file=”nosuchfileagain.html”–>

Specifying your own error messages will make it easier for you to spot and solve problems. If you want to use more than one error message, you have to make sure that you change the error message before the command it refers to.


The include command allows you to dynamically insert other HTML files into the current HTML file. Use it like this:

<!–#include file=”file.shtml”–>

What path to use, again, depends on your provider. Normally it will be a path that is local to the server, so it will not include http://etc. The most sensible use of this command is to take standard bits of your pages such as headers and footer and put them in a separate file. On all of your pages you use the include command to include that file. That way, in order to change the footer on all pages, you only need to change one file. For example, you could make a simple text file that contains:

<P ALIGN=”center”>Copyright 1998 Tom, Dick and Harry<BR>
Please mail us at tom.dick@harry.com</P

You save this file as ssifooter.html and include it in your other files by using:

<!–#include file=”ssifooter.html”–>

The files you include can be plain text files or can include HTML. You don’t need to give them <HEAD> and <BODY> tags, just put in whatever you want to insert. In these files you can use whatever HTML you want and you can make links, etc.

隐藏 / 显示

With the Hide and Show commands you can avoid that your reader sees certain parts of the document:

<P>Now you see me, <!–#hide–> This text is not shown. <!–#show–> now you don’t.</P

Show and Hide can be used to temporary exclude parts of your document. Hide and Show only work under WebStar, so I cannot show you an example here.


The next example shows how to display bits of HTML only after certain days. Comparisons like this always use the default time format of 1998/07/24:17:34:45 no matter what you have done with the timefmt option.

<!–#show after=”1998/06/30″–>
This text is shown after 30 June 1998.

<!–#show after=”1999/06/30″–>
This text is shown after 30 June 1999.

Or you can show and hide things on specific days using a combination of ‘hide after’ and ‘show after’:

<!–#show during=”1998/07/12″–>
This text is shown on 12 July 1998.

<!–#show during=”1998/07/13″–>
This text is shown on 13 July 1998.

<!–#show during=”1998/07/14″–>
This text is shown on 14 July 1998.

As you can see, you do not have to specify a full date and time but only what is relevant for you. If you would want to show something during 1998 you could use: during=”1998″.


Here is an example of how to show a bit of text only to a user of Netscape’s Navigator:

<!–#show var=”http_user_agent” operator=”contains”
Welcome Netscape Navigator user!

<!–#show var=”http_user_agent” operator=”contains”
Welcome Internet Explorer user!

As you can see in this example, the output of Webstar is by default on. That’s why you start any of these examples by switching the output of (#hide) and then switching it on again if the appropriate condition is fulfilled. At the end of the example you switch the output on again with a #show include. Again, show and hide do not work under Apache so I cannot show you the result here.


Show and Hide can also be used at random:

<!–#show var=”random” op=”<” value=”50″ –>
<!–#show var=”random” op=”=>” value=”50″ –>

If you do a couple of reloads, you should see the text change. Of course you can use the same thing to show and hide images or any other HTML. The number that is used by Webstar is a random number ranging from 1 to 99 inclusive. Here is an example for three random texts:

<!–#show var=”random” op=”<” value=”33″ –>
To be or not to be,
<!–#show var=”random” op=”=>” value=”34″ –>
<!–#hide var=”random” op=”>” value=”66″ –>
that’s the question,
<!–#show var=”random” op=”>” value=”66″ –>
my dear Watson.


In fact you can show and hide text at will using any of the environment variables (see the section on Echo below). This example shows a bit of text to a user with IP address

<!–#show var=”remote_addr” operator=”=” value=”″–>
Welcome BTinternet user!

If you have friends with fixed IP addresses you can leave messages especially for them in the same manner. Finally, you should know which operators are available:

Operator Meaning
“contains” or “con” variable contains the value string
“starts with” or “start” variable starts with the value string
“ends with” or “end” variable ends with the value string
“=” or “==” variable equals the value string
“!=” or “<>” variable does not equal the value string
“<“ variable is less than the value string
“<=” or “=<“ variable is less than or equal to the value string
“>” variable is greater than the value string
“>=” or “=>” variable is greater than or equal to the value string

If 和 Endif

Because this server runs Apache I could not show the examples of #hide and #show. I can, however, demonstrate the #if and #endif includes (if and endif, in turn, do not work under Webstar):

<!–#config timefmt=”%A”–>
<!–#if expr=”$date_gmt = Friday” –>
Hang in there, it’s almost weekend
<!–#elif expr=”($date_gmt = Saturday) || ($date_gmt = Sunday)” –>
Have a nice weekend
<!–#else –>
Have a good day
<!–#endif –>

Hang in there, it’s almost weekend Have a nice weekend Have a good day

The first thing you will notice is that the #if include, opposite to the #hide and #show, does use the date as formatted with timefmt. This has some clear advantages. You can also see that this example is a bit easier to understand the #show and #hide spaghetti that WebStar seems to need. Note that the #if and #endif are obligatory, the #elif and #else are optional. This example uses date_gmt which is London time -ignoring summertime- rather than date_local which depends on where the server is.

The following operators are available:

Operator Meaning
string1 = string2 string1 equals string2
string1 != string2 string1 does not equal string2
string1 < string2 string1 is less than string2
string1 <= string2 string1 is less than or equal to string2
string1 > string2 string1 is greater than string2
string1 >= string2 string1 is greater than or equal to string2

If, Endif 和环境变量

you can use the #if include to show different information to different browsers. Each browser sets the environment variable http_user_agent differently. This is how Netscape Navigator 4.04, Microsoft Internet Exploder and Apple’s Cyberdog respectively do it:

Mozilla/4.04 (Macintosh; I; PPC, Nav)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Mac_PowerPC)
Cyberdog/2.0 (Macintosh; PPC)

As you can see these are all the Macintosh versions. By the way, this is what your own browser makes of http_user_agent: . So this is how to show different information to different browsers:

<!–#if expr=”$HTTP_USER_AGENT=/MSIE/ ” –>
Fight the Microsoft Monopoly. Get Netscape!
<!–#elif expr=”$HTTP_USER_AGENT=/Nav/ ” –>
Welcome Netscape Navigator user!
<!–#elif expr=”$HTTP_USER_AGENT=/Cyberdog/ ” –>
Welcome Apple Cyberdog user!
<!–#else –>
Welcome! So what browser are you using?
<!–#endif –>

Fight the Microsoft Monopoly. Get Netscape! Welcome Netscape Navigator user! Welcome Apple Cyberdog user! Welcome! So what browser are you using?

Note that the /Nav/ I am looking for here is produced by Netscape Navigator, which is Communicator without the news, mail and webeditor modules. The above is obviously not an exhaustive list of browsers, which is why there is also an #else include for all the browsers that are not covered.

The two slashes around MSIE, Nav and Cyberdog in the example above means that the second string is interpreted as a regular expression, commonly used under Unix. In this case it checks if http_user_agent contains that string.


The #set include can be used to create your own variables and assign them a value. Variables can be printed or can be used in #if statements:

<!–#set var=”carmodel” value=”Mercedes” –>
<!–#echo var=”carmodel” –><BR>
<!–#if expr=”$carmodel = Mercedes” –>
That’s a jolly nice car
<!–#endif –>

That’s a jolly nice car

The $ sign in the #if include is needed to ensure that “carmodel” is interpreted as a variable, not as a string.


ECHO can be used to insert information from the browser and the server into your document, the so-called environment variables. The following possibilities are available:

Document Name: <!–#echo var=”document_name”–>
Document URI: <!–#echo var=”document_uri”–>
Local Date: <!–#echo var=”date_local”–>
GMT Date: <!–#echo var=”date_gmt”–>
Last Modified: <!–#echo var=”last_modified”–>
Server Software: <!–#echo var=”server_software”–>
Server Name: <!–#echo var=”server_name”–>
Server Protocol: <!–#echo var=”server_protocol”–>
Server Port: <!–#echo var=”server_port”–>
Gateway Interface: <!–#echo var=”gateway_interface”–>
Request Method: <!–#echo var=”request_method”–>
Script Name: <!–#echo var=”script_name”–>
Remote Host: <!–#echo var=”remote_host”–>
Remote Address: <!–#echo var=”remote_addr”–>
Remote User: <!–#echo var=”remote_user”–>
Content Type: <!–#echo var=”content_type”–>
Content Length: <!–#echo var=”content_length”–>
HTTP Accept: <!–#echo var=”http_accept”–>
HTTP User Agent (Browser): <!–#echo var=”http_user_agent”–>
HTTP Cookie: <!–#echo var=”http_cookie”–>
Unescaped query string: <!–#echo var=”query_string_unescaped”–>
Query String: <!–#echo var=”query_string”–>
Path Info: <!–#echo var=”path_info”–>
Path Translated: <!–#echo var=”path_translated”–>
Referer: <!–#echo var=”referer”–>
Forwarded: <!–#echo var=”forwarded”–>

Document Name:
Document URI:
Local Date:
GMT Date:
Last Modified:
Server Software:
Server Name:
Server Protocol:
Server Port:
Gateway Interface:
Request Method:
Script Name:
Remote Host:
Remote Address:
Remote User:
Content Type:
Content Length:
HTTP Accept:
HTTP User Agent (Browser):
HTTP Cookie:
Unescaped query string:
Query String:
Path Info:
Path Translated:

Not all ECHO commands always result in information being printed. This can depend on the server, on your browser and on the way you reached this page. The #echo include works both under WebStar and Apache.

Print Environment

If you want to print the entire environment, you do not need to use a whole list of #echo includes. Instead you can use this shortcut.

<PRE> <!–#printenv –> </PRE>

Note that the environment includes the variable “carmodel” that was defined in an earlier example.


You can use a server side include to run a script. This is what I use on my homepage:

<!–#exec cgi=”ssi.demo.cgi”–>

The CGI script (which is in Perl 5) opens a file with a dozen quotes, selects one at random and prints it to the page. The script, by the way, is courtesy of Matt Wright who offers a brilliant collection of scripts.


You can insert the size of a file in this way:

<!–#fsize file=”top.gif”–>

This inserts the size of the file top.gif (the logo at the top of this page). As explained earlier in this chapter, you can determine if the size is displayed in full bytes or abbreviated in kilobytes or megabytes.


You can insert the date of a file in this way:

<!–#flastmod file=”top.gif”–>

This inserts the date and the time the file top.gif (the logo at the top of this page) was last modified. The format of the date and time can be customized by you as explained earlier in this chapter.

This page has been translated into Spanish language by Maria Ramos from Webhostinghub.com.



通过动态字符串获取变量值 & 获取变量名称

一段实例代码, 在 c#中通过 Linq 取变量的名称, 以及 将字符串转为变量名,通过字符串给变量赋值.

        string strApp = "app";
        public string app = "AAA";
        public string strTest = "TEST";
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            string aaa1 = this.GetType().GetField("app").GetValue(this).ToString();
            string aaa2 = this.GetType().GetField(strApp).GetValue(this).ToString();
            this.GetType().GetField("strTest").SetValue(this, "C#123");
            string bbb = this.GetType().GetField("strTest").GetValue(this).ToString();

            string ccc = GetVarName(p=>this.strTest);

        public static string GetVarName(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<string, string>> exp)
            return ((System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression)exp.Body).Member.Name;


Team Foundation Server(TFS) 源代码管理服务器 更换IP地址或端口

源码管理服务器 Team Foundation Server(TFS) 的ip地址发生改变后, 解决方案连不上了.


  • 1  打开”团队” -> “连接到 Team Foundation Server”, 移除原服务器地址


  • 2  编辑 项目解决方案.sln文件, 修改里面的 “SccTeamFoundationServer” 后面的TFS地址为新地址


  • 3  打开 “C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\3.0\Cache”  版本不同, 文件夹可能是4.0.

修改 LocationServerMap.xml 文件, 删除其中的 “location” = 原地址的条目.


  • 4  重新打来项目连接到TFS


SuperHidden.vbs , 右键 添加\卸载 “显示\隐藏 系统文件”



Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCR\CLSID\{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000012}\Instance\InitPropertyBag\CLSID", "{13709620-C279-11CE-A49E-444553540000}", "REG_SZ"
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCR\CLSID\{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000012}\Instance\InitPropertyBag\method", "ShellExecute", "REG_SZ"
if WSHShell.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\HideFileExt") = 0 then
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\ShowSuperHidden", "0", "REG_DWORD"
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Hidden", "2", "REG_DWORD"
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\HideFileExt", "1", "REG_DWORD"
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCR\CLSID\{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000012}\Instance\InitPropertyBag\command", "显示扩展名及文件", "REG_SZ"
WSHShell.SendKeys "{F5}+{F10}e"
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\ShowSuperHidden", "1", "REG_DWORD"
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Hidden", "1", "REG_DWORD"
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\HideFileExt", "0", "REG_DWORD"
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCR\CLSID\{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000012}\Instance\InitPropertyBag\command", "隐藏扩展名及文件", "REG_SZ"
WSHShell.SendKeys "{F5}+{F10}e"
end if
Set WSHShell = Nothing




修改过调整好的 my.cnf ,service mysqld restart 启动时报错。

查看log,发现 skip-innodb / skip-bdb / skip-locking,这几个参数有问题。


继续学习,查资料,得知 使用的参数都是老版本的参数,mysql5.1对应的为:

skip-innodb  –>  loose-skip-innodb

skip-locking  –> skip-external-locking

skip-bdb (已经废除了skip-bdb这个参数!)


配置文件: /etc/my.cnf

# low memory stuff – Mr.Tang
# Tue May 26 22:23:15 CST 2015



character_set_server = utf8
default-storage-engine = myisam

key_buffer_size = 256M
key_buffer = 256K
max_allowed_packet = 1M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
net_buffer_length = 128K
query_cache_size= 16M
read_buffer_size = 1M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 4M
sort_buffer_size = 1M
table_cache = 4M
table_open_cache = 16M
thread_cache_size = 8M
thread_stack = 131072

max_allowed_packet = 16M


key_buffer = 8M
sort_buffer_size = 8M

key_buffer_size = 128M
sort_buffer_size = 128M
read_buffer = 2M
write_buffer = 2M
