IANA IPv4 地址空间注册表

IANA IPv4 Address Space Registry

Last Updated
The allocation of Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address space to various registries is listed
here. Originally, all the IPv4 address spaces was managed directly by the IANA. Later parts of the
address space were allocated to various other registries to manage for particular purposes or
regional areas of the world. RFC 1466 [RFC1466] documents most of these allocations.

This registry is also available in plain text.

Prefix Designation Date Whois Status [1] Note
000/8 IANA – Local Identification 1981-09 RESERVED [2]
001/8 APNIC 2010-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
002/8 RIPE NCC 2009-09 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
003/8 General Electric Company 1994-05 LEGACY
004/8 Level 3 Communications, Inc. 1992-12 LEGACY
005/8 RIPE NCC 2010-11 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
006/8 Army Information Systems Center 1994-02 LEGACY
007/8 Administered by ARIN 1995-04 whois.arin.net LEGACY
008/8 Level 3 Communications, Inc. 1992-12 LEGACY
009/8 IBM 1992-08 LEGACY
010/8 IANA – Private Use 1995-06 RESERVED [3]
011/8 DoD Intel Information Systems 1993-05 LEGACY
012/8 AT&T Bell Laboratories 1995-06 LEGACY
013/8 Xerox Corporation 1991-09 LEGACY
014/8 APNIC 2010-04 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED [4]
015/8 Hewlett-Packard Company 1994-07 LEGACY
016/8 Digital Equipment Corporation 1994-11 LEGACY
017/8 Apple Computer Inc. 1992-07 LEGACY
018/8 MIT 1994-01 LEGACY
019/8 Ford Motor Company 1995-05 LEGACY
020/8 Computer Sciences Corporation 1994-10 LEGACY
021/8 DDN-RVN 1991-07 LEGACY
022/8 Defense Information Systems Agency 1993-05 LEGACY
023/8 ARIN 2010-11 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
024/8 ARIN 2001-05 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
025/8 UK Ministry of Defence 1995-01 whois.ripe.net LEGACY
026/8 Defense Information Systems Agency 1995-05 LEGACY
027/8 APNIC 2010-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
028/8 DSI-North 1992-07 LEGACY
029/8 Defense Information Systems Agency 1991-07 LEGACY
030/8 Defense Information Systems Agency 1991-07 LEGACY
031/8 RIPE NCC 2010-05 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
032/8 AT&T Global Network Services 1994-06 LEGACY
033/8 DLA Systems Automation Center 1991-01 LEGACY
034/8 Halliburton Company 1993-03 LEGACY
035/8 Administered by ARIN 1994-04 whois.arin.net LEGACY
036/8 APNIC 2010-10 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
037/8 RIPE NCC 2010-11 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
038/8 PSINet, Inc. 1994-09 LEGACY
039/8 APNIC 2011-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
040/8 Administered by ARIN 1994-06 whois.arin.net LEGACY
041/8 AFRINIC 2005-04 whois.afrinic.net ALLOCATED
042/8 APNIC 2010-10 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
043/8 Administered by APNIC 1991-01 whois.apnic.net LEGACY
044/8 Amateur Radio Digital Communications 1992-07 LEGACY
045/8 Administered by ARIN 1995-01 whois.arin.net LEGACY
046/8 RIPE NCC 2009-09 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
047/8 Administered by ARIN 1991-01 whois.arin.net LEGACY
048/8 Prudential Securities Inc. 1995-05 LEGACY
049/8 APNIC 2010-08 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
050/8 ARIN 2010-02 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
051/8 UK Government Department for Work and Pensions 1994-08 whois.ripe.net LEGACY
052/8 E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co., Inc. 1991-12 LEGACY
053/8 Cap Debis CCS 1993-10 LEGACY
054/8 Administered by ARIN 1992-03 whois.arin.net LEGACY
055/8 DoD Network Information Center 1995-04 LEGACY
056/8 US Postal Service 1994-06 LEGACY
057/8 SITA 1995-05 LEGACY
058/8 APNIC 2004-04 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
059/8 APNIC 2004-04 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
060/8 APNIC 2003-04 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
061/8 APNIC 1997-04 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
062/8 RIPE NCC 1997-04 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
063/8 ARIN 1997-04 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
064/8 ARIN 1999-07 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
065/8 ARIN 2000-07 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
066/8 ARIN 2000-07 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
067/8 ARIN 2001-05 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
068/8 ARIN 2001-06 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
069/8 ARIN 2002-08 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
070/8 ARIN 2004-01 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
071/8 ARIN 2004-08 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
072/8 ARIN 2004-08 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
073/8 ARIN 2005-03 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
074/8 ARIN 2005-06 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
075/8 ARIN 2005-06 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
076/8 ARIN 2005-06 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
077/8 RIPE NCC 2006-08 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
078/8 RIPE NCC 2006-08 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
079/8 RIPE NCC 2006-08 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
080/8 RIPE NCC 2001-04 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
081/8 RIPE NCC 2001-04 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
082/8 RIPE NCC 2002-11 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
083/8 RIPE NCC 2003-11 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
084/8 RIPE NCC 2003-11 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
085/8 RIPE NCC 2004-04 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
086/8 RIPE NCC 2004-04 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
087/8 RIPE NCC 2004-04 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
088/8 RIPE NCC 2004-04 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
089/8 RIPE NCC 2005-06 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
090/8 RIPE NCC 2005-06 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
091/8 RIPE NCC 2005-06 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
092/8 RIPE NCC 2007-03 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
093/8 RIPE NCC 2007-03 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
094/8 RIPE NCC 2007-07 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
095/8 RIPE NCC 2007-07 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
096/8 ARIN 2006-10 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
097/8 ARIN 2006-10 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
098/8 ARIN 2006-10 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
099/8 ARIN 2006-10 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
100/8 ARIN 2010-11 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED [5]
101/8 APNIC 2010-08 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
102/8 AFRINIC 2011-02 whois.afrinic.net ALLOCATED
103/8 APNIC 2011-02 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
104/8 ARIN 2011-02 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
105/8 AFRINIC 2010-11 whois.afrinic.net ALLOCATED
106/8 APNIC 2011-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
107/8 ARIN 2010-02 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
108/8 ARIN 2008-12 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
109/8 RIPE NCC 2009-01 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
110/8 APNIC 2008-11 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
111/8 APNIC 2008-11 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
112/8 APNIC 2008-05 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
113/8 APNIC 2008-05 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
114/8 APNIC 2007-10 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
115/8 APNIC 2007-10 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
116/8 APNIC 2007-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
117/8 APNIC 2007-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
118/8 APNIC 2007-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
119/8 APNIC 2007-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
120/8 APNIC 2007-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
121/8 APNIC 2006-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
122/8 APNIC 2006-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
123/8 APNIC 2006-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
124/8 APNIC 2005-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
125/8 APNIC 2005-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
126/8 APNIC 2005-01 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
127/8 IANA – Loopback 1981-09 RESERVED [6]
128/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
129/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
130/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
131/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
132/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
133/8 Administered by APNIC 1997-03 whois.apnic.net LEGACY
134/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
135/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
136/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
137/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
138/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
139/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
140/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
141/8 Administered by RIPE NCC 1993-05 whois.ripe.net LEGACY
142/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
143/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
144/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
145/8 Administered by RIPE NCC 1993-05 whois.ripe.net LEGACY
146/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
147/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
148/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
149/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
150/8 Administered by APNIC 1993-05 whois.apnic.net LEGACY
151/8 Administered by RIPE NCC 1993-05 whois.ripe.net LEGACY
152/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
153/8 Administered by APNIC 1993-05 whois.apnic.net LEGACY
154/8 Administered by AFRINIC 1993-05 whois.afrinic.net LEGACY
155/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
156/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
157/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
158/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
159/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
160/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
161/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
162/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
163/8 Administered by APNIC 1993-05 whois.apnic.net LEGACY
164/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
165/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
166/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
167/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
168/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
169/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY [7]
170/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY
171/8 Administered by APNIC 1993-05 whois.apnic.net LEGACY
172/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY [8]
173/8 ARIN 2008-02 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
174/8 ARIN 2008-02 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
175/8 APNIC 2009-08 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
176/8 RIPE NCC 2010-05 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
177/8 LACNIC 2010-06 whois.lacnic.net ALLOCATED
178/8 RIPE NCC 2009-01 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
179/8 LACNIC 2011-02 whois.lacnic.net ALLOCATED
180/8 APNIC 2009-04 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
181/8 LACNIC 2010-06 whois.lacnic.net ALLOCATED
182/8 APNIC 2009-08 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
183/8 APNIC 2009-04 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
184/8 ARIN 2008-12 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
185/8 RIPE NCC 2011-02 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
186/8 LACNIC 2007-09 whois.lacnic.net ALLOCATED
187/8 LACNIC 2007-09 whois.lacnic.net ALLOCATED
188/8 Administered by RIPE NCC 1993-05 whois.ripe.net LEGACY
189/8 LACNIC 1995-06 whois.lacnic.net ALLOCATED
190/8 LACNIC 1995-06 whois.lacnic.net ALLOCATED
191/8 Administered by LACNIC 1993-05 whois.lacnic.net LEGACY
192/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY [9][10]
193/8 RIPE NCC 1993-05 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
194/8 RIPE NCC 1993-05 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
195/8 RIPE NCC 1993-05 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
196/8 Administered by AFRINIC 1993-05 whois.afrinic.net LEGACY
197/8 AFRINIC 2008-10 whois.afrinic.net ALLOCATED
198/8 Administered by ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net LEGACY [11]
199/8 ARIN 1993-05 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
200/8 LACNIC 2002-11 whois.lacnic.net ALLOCATED
201/8 LACNIC 2003-04 whois.lacnic.net ALLOCATED
202/8 APNIC 1993-05 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
203/8 APNIC 1993-05 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED [12]
204/8 ARIN 1994-03 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
205/8 ARIN 1994-03 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
206/8 ARIN 1995-04 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
207/8 ARIN 1995-11 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
208/8 ARIN 1996-04 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
209/8 ARIN 1996-06 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
210/8 APNIC 1996-06 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
211/8 APNIC 1996-06 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
212/8 RIPE NCC 1997-10 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
213/8 RIPE NCC 1993-10 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
214/8 US-DOD 1998-03 LEGACY
215/8 US-DOD 1998-03 LEGACY
216/8 ARIN 1998-04 whois.arin.net ALLOCATED
217/8 RIPE NCC 2000-06 whois.ripe.net ALLOCATED
218/8 APNIC 2000-12 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
219/8 APNIC 2001-09 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
220/8 APNIC 2001-12 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
221/8 APNIC 2002-07 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
222/8 APNIC 2003-02 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
223/8 APNIC 2010-04 whois.apnic.net ALLOCATED
224/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
225/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
226/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
227/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
228/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
229/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
230/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
231/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
232/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
233/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
234/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13][14]
235/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
236/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
237/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
238/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13]
239/8 Multicast 1981-09 RESERVED [13][15]
240/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
241/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
242/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
243/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
244/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
245/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
246/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
247/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
248/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
249/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
250/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
251/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
252/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
253/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
254/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16]
255/8 Future use 1981-09 RESERVED [16][17]


Indicates the status of address blocks as follows:
RESERVED: designated by the IETF for specific non-global-unicast purposes as noted.
LEGACY: allocated by the central Internet Registry (IR) prior to the Regional Internet Registries
(RIRs). This address space is now administered by individual RIRs as noted, including maintenance
of WHOIS Directory and reverse DNS records. Assignments from these blocks are distributed globally
on a regional basis.
ALLOCATED: delegated entirely to specific RIR as indicated.
UNALLOCATED: not yet allocated or reserved.
[2] reserved for self-identification [RFC1122], section 
Reserved by protocol. For authoritative registration, see [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].
Reserved for Private-Use Networks [RFC1918].
Complete registration details for are found in [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].
This was reserved for Public Data Networks [RFC1356]. See [IANA registry public-data-network-numbers].
It was recovered in February 2008 and was subsequently allocated to APNIC in April 2010.
[5] reserved for Shared Address Space [RFC6598]. 
Complete registration details for are found in [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].
[6] reserved for Loopback [RFC1122], section 
Reserved by protocol. For authoritative registration, see [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].
[7] reserved for Link Local [RFC3927].
Reserved by protocol. For authoritative registration, see [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].
[8] reserved for Private-Use Networks [RFC1918]. 
Complete registration details are found in [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].
[9]  reserved for TEST-NET-1 [RFC5737]. 
Complete registration details for are found in [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry]. reserved for 6to4 Relay Anycast [RFC3068]
Complete registration details for are found in [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry]. reserved for 6a44 Relay Anycast [RFC6751] (possibly collocated with 6to4 Relay 
at - see [RFC3068] section 2.4) reserved for Private-Use Networks [RFC1918]. 
Complete registration details for are found in [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].
[10] reserved for IANA IPv4 Special Purpose Address Registry [RFC5736]. 
Complete registration details for are found in [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].
[11] reserved for Network Interconnect Device Benchmark Testing [RFC2544]. 
Complete registration details for are found in [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry]. reserved for TEST-NET-2 [RFC5737]. 
Complete registration details for are found in [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].
[12] reserved for TEST-NET-3 [RFC5737]. 
Complete registration details for are found in [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].
Multicast (formerly "Class D") [RFC5771] registered in [IANA registry multicast-addresses]
Unicast-Prefix-Based IPv4 Multicast Addresses [RFC6034]
Administratively Scoped IP Multicast [RFC2365]
Reserved for future use (formerly "Class E") [RFC1112].
Reserved by protocol. For authoritative registration, see [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].
[17] is reserved for "limited broadcast" destination address [RFC919] and [RFC922].
Complete registration details for are found in [IANA registry iana-ipv4-special-registry].



IANA IPv4 专用地址注册表

IANA IPv4 Special-Purpose Address Registry


Last Updated

This registry is also available in plain text.

Registry included below

* IANA IPv4 Special Purpose Address Registry

IANA IPv4 Special Purpose Address Registry

Registration Procedure(s)

IETF Review



The IETF has reserved the address block of for use for
special purposes relating to protocol assignments. This registry
contains the current assignments made by the IETF from this address

Address prefixes listed in the Special Purpose Address Registry are
not guaranteed routability in any particular local or global context.

Address   Block Name RFC Allocation Date “This” Network [RFC1122], section 1981-09 Private-Use [RFC1918] 1996-02 Shared   Address Space [RFC6598] 2012-04 Loopback [RFC1122], section 1981-09 Link   Local [RFC3927] 2005-05 Private-Use [RFC1918] 1996-02[2] IETF Protocol Assignments [RFC-bonica-special-purpose-07],   section 2.1 2010-01 DS-Lite [RFC6333] 2011-06 Documentation   (TEST-NET-1) [RFC5737] 2010-01 6to4   Relay Anycast [RFC3068] 2001-06 Private-Use [RFC1918] 1996-02 Benchmarking [RFC2544] 1999-03 Documentation   (TEST-NET-2) [RFC5737] 2010-01 Documentation   (TEST-NET-3) [RFC5737] 2010-01 Reserved [RFC1112], section 4 1989-08 Limited   Broadcast [RFC919], section 7 1984-10


[1] Several protocols have been granted exceptions to this rule.  For
examples, see [RFC4379] and [RFC5884].
[2] Not useable unless by virtue of a more specific reservation.

windows 环境变量

Getting and setting environment variables

The variables can be used both in scripts and on the command line. They are usually referenced by putting special symbols in front of or around the variable name. For instance, to display the user home directory, in most scripting environments, the user has to type:

echo $HOME

On DOS, OS/2 or Windows systems, the user has to type this:

echo %HOME%

In Windows PowerShell, the user has to type this:

Write-Output $HOME

DOS, OS/2 and Windows (Command Prompt)

In DOS, OS/2 and Windows, the set command without any arguments displays all environment variables along with their values.

To set a variable to a particular value, use:

set VARIABLE=value

However, this is temporary. Permanent change to the environment variable can be achieved through editing the registry (not recommended for novices) and using the Windows Resource Kit application setx.exe. With the introduction of Windows Vista, the setx command became part of Windows.

Users of the Windows GUI can manipulate variables via <Control Panel:System:Advanced:Environment Variables>; through the Windows Registry this is done changing the values under HKCU\Environment (for user specific variables) and HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment (for System variables).

To set a variable whose name is in another variable:

set %VARNAME%=value

This feature allows certain interesting applications. For example, a uni-dimensional array of elements (vector) may be generated this way:

set VECTOR[%I%]=value of element subscript %I%

set VECNAME=%1
set i=0
    if "%1" == "" goto exitloop
    set /a i+=1
    set %VECNAME%[%i%]=%1
    goto loop
exit /B %i%

call :MkVec DOWNAME=Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

To see the current value of a particular variable, use:




Note: Please take note that doing so will print out all variables beginning with ‘VARIABLE’. Another example is:

C:\> set p
Path=c:\.. ..
ProgramFiles=C:\Program.. .

To see the value of an array element a double expansion is required: one for the subscript value and an additional expansion for the array element. This may be achieved via Delayed !VARIABLE! Expansion this way:

set DOW=value of Day of Week (1..7)
echo !DOWNAME[%DOW%]!

To delete a variable, the following command is used:


Windows PowerShell

To set a system variable:

Set-Content -Path Env:VARIABLE -value value
$Env:VARIABLE = value # alternate form

Examples of DOS environment variables


This variable contains the full path to the command processor, command.com.


This variable contains a semicolon-delimited list of directories in which the command interpreter will search for executable files. Equivalent to the Unix $PATH variable (although note that PATH on Windows additionally performs the same task as LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix-like systems). Note that %PATH% can also be set like this PATH=c:\dos; where SET isn’t required.

%TEMP% and %TMP%

These variables contain the path to the directory where temporary files should be stored.

Examples from Microsoft Windows

Discrete value variables

These variables generally expand to discrete values, such as the current working directory, the current date, or a random number. Some of these are true environment variables and will be expanded by all functions that handle environment variables. Others, like %CD% simply look like environment variables and will only be expanded by some functions and shells. They are not case sensitive.


This variable points to the current directory. Equivalent to the output of the command cd when called without arguments.


This variable expands to the current date. The date is displayed according to the current user’s date format preferences.

The following is a way of reformatting the date and time for use in file copies. The example assumes UK format of day month year and the time is set for a 24 hour clock.

@echo off
echo %DATE% %TIME%
for /F "tokens=1-3 delims=/" %%a in ("%DATE%") do set MTH=%%a& set DAY=%%b& set YR=%%c
for /F "tokens=1-3 delims=:." %%a in ("%TIME%") do set HR=%%a& set MIN=%%b& set SEC=%%c
if "%HR:~0,1%"==" " set HR=0%HR:~1,1%
echo %MYDATE%

This variable points to the current error level. If there was an error in the previous command, it is checked against this.


This variable returns a random number between 0 and 32767.


This variable points to the current time. The time is displayed according to the current user’s time format preferences.

System path variables

These variables refer to locations of critical operating system resources, and as such generally are not user-dependent.


Contains the full path to the Application Data directory of the logged-in user. Does not work on Windows NT 4.0 SP6 UK.


This variable is the temporary files of Applications. Its uses include storing of Desktop Themes, Windows Error Reporting, Caching and profiles of web browsers.


This variable contains the full path to the command processor; on Windows NT based operating systems this is cmd.exe, while on Windows 9x and ME it is the DOS command processor, COMMAND.COM.


This variable contains a semicolon-delimited (do not put spaces in between) list of directories in which the command interpreter will search for an executable file that matches the given command. Equivalent to the Unix $PATH variable.


This variable points to Program Files directory, which stores all the installed program of Windows and others. The default on English-language systems is C:\Program Files. In 64-bit editions of Windows (XP, 2003, Vista), there are also %ProgramFiles(x86)% which defaults to C:\Program Files (x86) and %ProgramW6432% which defaults to C:\Program Files. The %ProgramFiles% itself depends on whether the process requesting the environment variable is itself 32-bit or 64-bit (this is caused by Windows-on-Windows 64-bit redirection).


This variable points to Common Files directory. The default is C:\Program Files\Common Files.


The %SystemDrive% variable is a special system-wide environment variable found on Microsoft Windows NT and its derivatives. Its value is the drive upon which the system directory was placed. Also see next item.

The value of %SystemDrive% is in most cases C:.


The %SystemRoot% variable is a special system-wide environment variable found on Microsoft Windows NT and its derivatives. Its value is the location of the system directory, including the drive and path.

The drive is the same as %SystemDrive% and the default path on a clean installation depends upon the version of the operating system. By default, on a clean installation:

  • Windows NT 5.1 (Windows XP) and newer versions use \WINDOWS
  • Windows NT 5.0 (Windows 2000), Windows NT 4.0 and Windows NT 3.1 use \WINNT
  • Windows NT 3.5x uses \WINNT35
  • Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server use \WTSRV

This variable points to the Windows directory (on Windows NT-based operating systems it is identical to the %SystemRoot% variable, above). If the System is on drive C: then the default values are:

Note that Windows NT 4 Terminal Server Edition by default installs to C:\WTSRV.

User management variables

These variables store information related to resources and settings owned by various user profiles within the system. As a general rule, these variables do not refer to critical system resources or locations that are necessary for the OS to run.

%AllUsersProfile% (%PROGRAMDATA% for Windows Vista, Windows 7)

The %AllUsersProfile%(%PROGRAMDATA%) variable expands to the full path to the All Users profile directory. This profile contains resources and settings that are used by all system accounts. Shortcut links copied to the All Users’ Start menu or Desktop directories will appear in every user’s Start menu or Desktop, respectively.


The variable holds the name of the Workgroup or Windows Domain to which the current user belongs. The related variable, %LOGONSERVER%, holds the hostname of the server that authenticated the current user’s logon credentials (name and password). For Home PCs, and PCs in a Workgroup, the authenticating server is usually the PC itself. For PCs in a Windows Domain, the authenticating server is a domain controller (a primary domain controller, or PDC, in Windows NT 4-based domains).


The %UserProfile% variable is a special system-wide environment variable found on Microsoft Windows NT and its derivatives. Its value is the location of the current user’s profile directory, in which is found that user’s HKCU registry hive (NTUSER).

Users can also use the %USERNAME% variable to determine the active users login identification.

Windows GUI forced variable expansion

In certain cases it is not possible to create file paths containing environment variables using the Windows GUI, and it is necessary to fight with the user interface to make things work as intended.

  • In Windows 7, a shortcut may not contain the variable %USERNAME% in unexpanded form. Trying to create shortcut to \\server\share\accounts\%USERNAME% or C:\users\%USERNAME% will be silently changed to replace %USERNAME% with the account name of the currently logged-in user, when the OK button is pressed on the shortcut properties.
    • This can only be overridden if the %USERNAME% variable is part of a parameter to some other program in the shortcut. For example, %SYSTEMROOT%\Explorer.exe C:\Users\%USERNAME% is not expanded when OK is clicked, but this shortcut is treated as unsafe and displays a warning when opened.
  • In Group Policy Management on Server 2008 R2, a profile directory can not be redirected to a custom directory hierarchy. For example, the desktop can not be redirected to \\server\share\accounts\%USERNAME%\custom\path\desktop. Upon pressing OK, this is silently changed to “Create a directory for each user in the root path” with the path \\server\share\accounts\ pointing to “\username\desktop”.
    • This behavior can only be overridden if the path contains a variable or drive letter that is not currently resolvable at the time of editing the GPO. For example if a mapping for drive Z: does not exist on the server, then the path Z:\directory\%username%\CustomTarget is not expanded when OK is selected.
  • A domain user account may not contain a profile path or home directory path containing an unexpanded %USERNAME% variable. Upon clicking OK, this is silently replaced with the user’s account name.
    • This causes problems for new user creation that is performed by copying an existing user account, if there are additional directories listed after the username in the path. For a pre-existing account with a profile path of \server\share\accounts\DomainUser\profile the Microsoft Management Console doesn’t know which part of the path contains the previous user’s name and doesn’t change the path during the copy, resulting in the new account pointing to the other account’s profile/home paths. The profile/home paths must be manually re-edited to point to the correct location.

Default Values on Microsoft Windows

Variable Windows XP Windows Vista/7
 %ALLUSERSPROFILE% C:\Documents and Settings\All Users C:\ProgramData
 %APPDATA% C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming
 %COMPUTERNAME% {computername} {computername}
 %COMMONPROGRAMFILES% C:\Program Files\Common Files C:\Program Files\Common Files
 %COMMONPROGRAMFILES(x86)% C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files (only in 64-bit version) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files (only in 64-bit version)
 %COMSPEC% C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
 %HOMEPATH% \Documents and Settings\{username} \Users\{username}
 %LOCALAPPDATA% C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local
 %LOGONSERVER% \\{domain_logon_server} \\{domain_logon_server}
 %PATH% C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;{plus program paths} C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;{plus program paths}
 %PATHEXT% .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.WSF;.WSH .com;.exe;.bat;.cmd;.vbs;.vbe;.js;.jse;.wsf;.wsh;.msc
 %PROGRAMDATA%  %SystemDrive%\ProgramData
 %PROGRAMFILES%  %SystemDrive%\Program Files  %SystemDrive%\Program Files
 %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%  %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86) (only in 64-bit version)  %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86) (only in 64-bit version)
 %PROMPT% Code for current command prompt format. Code is usually $P$G Code for current command prompt format. Code is usually $P$G
 %PSModulePath%  %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\
 %PUBLIC%  %SystemDrive%\Users\Public
{Drive}:\$Recycle.Bin C:\Recycle.Bin C:\$Recycle.Bin
 %SystemDrive% C: C:
 %SystemRoot% The Windows directory, usually C:\Windows, formerly C:\WINNT  %SystemDrive%\Windows
 %TEMP% and %TMP%  %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\{username}\Local Settings\Temp  %SystemDrive%\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp
 %USERDOMAIN% {userdomain} {userdomain}
 %USERNAME% {username} {username}
 %USERPROFILE%  %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\{username}  %SystemDrive%\Users\{username}
 %WINDIR%  %SystemDrive%\Windows  %SystemDrive%\Windows

In this list, there is no environment variable that refers to the location of the user’s My Documents directory, so there is no standard method for setting a program’s home directory to be the My Documents directory.

用shazam 听歌找歌 听歌识别歌曲

看到一个视频的配乐, 很好听. 听歌词查了好久, 但还是不知道歌曲名字.

最后在wp手机上安装了shazam(音乐雷达), 真心的好使! 查到演唱者和歌名再搜就好找多了!

shazam(音乐雷达) 简介:


P.S. 奉上找的那首音乐

Yuna – Lullabies  (adventure club remix)

C# 多线程操作整理 (System.Threading)

Thread 类


命名空间:System.Threading 程序集:mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)




  • ①.程序需要执行和两个和多个任务
  • ②.程序要等待某事件的发生:例如用户输入、文件操作、网络操作和搜索
  • ③.后台程序

2.多线程的并发执行 如果有多个线程在执行,单CPU只有一个,到底执行的哪个?

  • ①.如果一个线程连续占用CPU资源时间过长,其它的资源得不到执行,      则系统会强制的切换执行其它线程。(强制剥夺)
  • ②.如果一个线程没事可做、CPU可执行其它线程。(主动放弃)
  • ③.这是由操作系统的调度机制决定的,不同的操作系统调度机制不一样。    一般无法精确的预料多线程的执行顺序,在程序设计的时候应特别注意


ThreadStart 线程启动委托名=new ThreadStart(方法名);

Thread 线程实例名=new Thread(线程启动委托名); 线程实例名.Start();


  • ①.线程实例名.Abort();用此方法的后果是不可恢复的终止线程。
  • ②.线程实例名.Interrupt();中断后可恢复


  • ①.线程实例名.Sleep();     当线程Sleep时,系统就立即退出执行队列一段时间,当睡眠结束时,系统会产生一个时钟中断,从而     使线程回到执行队列中,从而恢复线程的执行。


  • ①.线程实例名.Suspend();挂起     与线程休眠不同,线程的挂起不会使线程立即停止执行,直到线程到达安全点之后它才可以将该线程挂起,如果线程尚未启动或已经停止,则它将不能挂起。
  • ②.线程实例名.Resume();恢复      将使一个线程跳出挂起状态并使该线程继续执行。     一个线程不能对另一个线程调用Sleep() ,但是一个线程可以对另一个线程调用Suspend()。     还可以使用许多其它的方式来阻塞线程。例如,可以通过调用 Thread.Join 使一个线程等待另一个线程 (子线程)停止。使用Monitor.Wait使一个线程等待访问一个同步对象。


  • ①.线程实例名.jion();     例如在主线程中插入t.jion();      主线程执行到这条语句后,主线程(当前线程)立即进入阻塞状态.直到t运行完后阻塞状态才解除。相当于把t的任务插入或串联到主线程中,把两条线索串联成一条线索

8.线程的锁定机制 线程的锁定机制可以保证每次只有一个线程可以访问共享资源。 使用关键字lock

  • ①.lock语句的语法      lock(对象引用)语句块;
  • ②.lock语句的功能      当对象被lock 锁定时,访问该线程的其它线程会进入等待的状态。
  • ③.对象锁机制保证了对象访问的完整性:只有一个线程完成操作后,其它的线程才能进行操作。
  • ④.一般情况下,当一个线程写某个变量,而同时可能有其它的线程读或写这个变量时,为了保持数据的一 致性应该使用锁定机制。
  • ⑤.线程的安全性      线程安全性就是保护的类的成员和代码的安全,从而使他们不会同时被几个线程中断,使用锁定机制。
  • ⑥.多线程公用一个对象时,就不应该使用lock关键字了,这里Monitor,Monitor提供了使线程共享资源的方 案。 Monitor类可以锁定一个对象,一个线程只有得到这把锁才可以对该对象进行操作。 如: Monitor.Enter(obj);
  • ⑦.临界区和锁 当谈论多线程应用程序的时候,首先应该想到的就是并发性问题。尽管这对于同时执行多个任务的程序是很有用的,但通常都是危险的。为了解决这个问题,在C#中提出了临界区和锁的概念。在程序设计中,临界区是一块在任何时候只能有一个进程进入的区域。在C#中通过语句lock来声明临界区。lock声明后面的代码,不管是以行还是一块代码,在同一时间最多只能有一个进程执行。



  • ①.什么是后台线程?比起应用程序的主图形用户界面(GUI)线程来说,这些线程以较低的优先权在不同的过程中运行着。对于不能立即执行结束, 又不想一直等待的任务,后台线程能很好的胜任。在C#中,把线程对象的  IsBackground属性设为true,该线程即为后台线程。    后台线程跟前台线程只有一个区别,那就是后台线程不妨碍程序的终止。一旦一个进程所有的前台线程都终止后,CLR将通过调用任意一个存活中的后台进程的Abort()方法来彻底终止进程。注意:后台线程不能直接操作所在进程之外的数据引用。
  • ②.怎样与后台线程通讯?运用MethodInvoker委派实体。也可在初始化(构造函数)中加入下面一句即可实现通讯:

Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False;


  •   a.一个创建委派的后台线程
Thread thread=new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run));

thread.IsBackground=true;  //把Thread设为后台线程

  •   b.一个用作后台线程与前台可视化单元的接口的类级方法
 public void Run()
            int count = 0;
                MethodInvoker mi = new MethodInvoker(this.UpdateLabel);
                //创建一个委托,UpdateLabel是该委托所托管的代码,必须是声明为void 且不接受任何参数的任何方法。
                while (true)
            catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Interruption Exception in Thread:{0}", e);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception in Thread:{0}", ex);
  •   c.一个应用程序中可以更新的可视化单元
public void UpdateLabel()

.NET Windows Forms C# 线程中的全局异常处理



public static void Main() {
try {
       new Thread (Go).Start();
catch (Exception ex) {
       // 不会在这得到异常
       Console.WriteLine ("Exception!");

static void Go() { throw null; }


public static void Main() {
      new Thread (Go).Start();

static void Go() {
try {
       throw null;         // 这个异常在下面会被捕捉到
catch (Exception ex) {

从.NET 2.0开始,任何线程内的未处理的异常都将导致整个程序关闭,这意味着忽略异常不再是一个选项了。因此为了避免由未处理异常引起的程序崩溃,try/catch块需要出现在每个线程进入的方法内,至少要在产品程序中应该如此。对于经常使用“全局”异常处理的Windows Forms程序员来说,这可能有点麻烦,像下面这样:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

static class Program {
static void Main() {
       Application.ThreadException += HandleError;
       Application.Run (new MainForm());

static void HandleError (object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) {

Application.ThreadException事件在异常被抛出时触发,以一个Windows信息(比如:键盘,鼠标活着 “paint” 等信息)的方式,简言之,一个Windows Forms程序的几乎所有代码。虽然这看起来很完美,它使人产生一种虚假的安全感——所有的异常都被中央异常处理捕捉到了。由工作线程抛出的异常便是一个没有被Application.ThreadException捕捉到的很好的例外。(在Main方法中的代码,包括构造器的形式,在Windows信息开始前先执行)

.NET framework为全局异常处理提供了一个更低级别的事件:AppDomain.UnhandledException,这个事件在任何类型的程序(有或没有用户界面)的任何线程有任何未处理的异常触发。尽管它提供了好的不得已的异常处理解决机制,但是这不意味着这能保证程序不崩溃,也不意味着能取消.NET异常对话框。

IP-BGP 以及 BGP Monitoring / BGP 监测



A couple services have been established for mapping IP numbers to BGP prefixes and ASNs:

  • Whois (TCP 43)
  • DNS (UDP 53)

Three modes are supported origin, peer, and prefix.  The data returned is basically the same except that the peer mode also lists the BGP peers for the ASN.

The data to support these services are collected from the following sources:


The whois interface is used as follows:


$ whois -h asn.shadowserver.org origin

The output is as follows

ASN | Prefix        | AS Name           | CN | Domain    | ISP


Using the peer mode is very similar:

$ whois -h asn.shadowserver.org peer

The output is as follows

Peer(s)   | ASN | Prefix        | AS Name           | CN | Domain    | ISP

A more verbose mode is also available:

$ whois -h asn.shadowserver.org peer verbose

  209    ASN-QWEST             Qwest
  293    ESNET                 Energy Sciences Network
  701    UUNET                 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business
  702    AS702                 Verizon Business EMEA - Commercial IP service provider in Europe
  1239   SPRINTLINK            Sprint
  1668   AOL-ATDN              AOL Transit Data Network
  2497   JPNIC-ASBLOCK         AP JPNIC
  2828   XO-AS15               XO Communications
  2914   NTT-COMMUNICATIONS-2  NTT America, Inc.
  3257   TISCALI               BACKBONE Tiscali Intl Network BV
  3303   SWISSCOM              Swisscom Solutions Ltd
  3333   RIPE-NCC              AS RIPE Network Coordination Centre
  3356   LEVEL3                Level 3 Communications
  3549   GBLX                  Global Crossing Ltd.
  3561   SAVVIS                Savvis
  4513   Globix                Corporation
  4637   REACH                 Reach Network Border AS
  5459   LINX                  AS London Internet Exchange Ltd.
  5511   OPENTRANSIT           France Telecom
  6079   RCN-AS                RCN Corporation
  6395   BROADWING             Broadwing Communications Services, Inc.
  6453   GLOBEINTERNET         VSNL International
  6461   MFNX                  MFN - Metromedia Fiber Network
  7018   ATT-INTERNET4         AT&T WorldNet Services
  8075   MICROSOFT-CORP---MSN  Microsoft Corp
  12956  TELEFONICA            Telefonica Backbone Autonomous System


$ whois -h asn.shadowserver.org prefix 8075                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Whois Batch Mode

The Whois server also supports batch mode where a list of IP addresses can be handled.  For example:

begin origin

Use netcat, telnet, or perl to send your list to the whois server:

$ netcat asn.shadowserver.org 43 < /tmp/list
40528 | | ICANN-LAX | - | - | -


The format for a DNS based origin lookup is:

$ dig +short TXT
"714" "|" "" "|" "APPLE-ENGINEERING" "|" "US" "|" "APPLE.COM" "|" "APPLE" "COMPUTER" "INC"

And the format for a ”peer’ lookup is:

$ dig +short TXT
"3356" "7018" "|" "714" "|" "" "|" "APPLE-ENGINEERING" "|" "US" "|" "APPLE.COM" "|" "APPLE" "COMPUTER" "INC"



Other Res :  BGP Monitoring   http://www.team-cymru.org/Monitoring/BGP/

Team Cymru

c# 获取HTTP headers 以及获取页面title

在写一个工具, 其中一个功能是检测收集服务器的一些信息, 需要在一个操作中取到HTTP headers 信息和 页面的标题(title).

尝试了WebRequest,WebResponse和 HttpWebRequest,HttpWebResponse. 研究他们的不同, 有Http的提供 了对无Http类的 HTTP 特定方法的实现. 关键似乎找不到我的要求”在一次操作中”完成获取到HTTP headers 和 title.

最后突然看到了一段国外代码中用到WebClient, 虽然功能不尽相同, 但又多了一点思路.  进行一翻测试, 发现WebClient十分简便好用, 代码量也骤减. 虽然效率可能会略慢一些,但是做到了一次调用, 取到headers 和 title.


		/// <summary>
		/// 返回 HTTP headers.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Url">地址</param>
		/// <returns>headers的列表</returns>
		public Dictionary<string, string> GetHTTPResponseHeaders(string url)
		    Dictionary<string, string> HeaderList = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            WebClient x = new WebClient();
            x.Headers.Set("Timeout", "6000"); //超时设置6秒
            string source = x.DownloadString(url);

            string title = Regex.Match(source, @"<titleb[^>]*>s*(?<Title>[sS]*?)</title>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups["Title"].Value;
            HeaderList.Add("Address", url); //加入地址
            HeaderList.Add("Title", title); //加入页面标题

            foreach (string HeaderKey in x.ResponseHeaders)
                HeaderList.Add(HeaderKey, x.ResponseHeaders[HeaderKey]);

		    return HeaderList;

		void Button2Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			Dictionary<string, string> Headers = GetHTTPResponseHeaders("http://www.bohu.cn/");

			foreach (string HeaderKey in Headers.Keys) 
			    textBox5.Text += HeaderKey+" : "+Headers[HeaderKey]+"rn";

CNNIC 的创新服务 – 中文导航(“.中国”中文域名分类导航列表)

CNNIC 的创新服务 – 中文导航(“.中国”中文域名分类导航列表)





